Parent and Family Coaching
We live in an addictive world.
Have you discovered your teen using an addictive substance and you’re not sure how to handle it?
Do you want to proactively build up addiction-resistance in your teen?
Are you worried that you’re losing influence with your child as you compete against outside forces like technology, social media, peers and societal norms?
Are you concerned about where things could be headed for your child if you DON’T intervene now?

I’m Kriya, LCMHC, LCAS, CPS, known by many as “The Teen Whisperer.” I CAN HELP equip your family for the wild ride of adolescence by teaching you tools to strengthen your relationship with your teenagers and respond artfully to challenging situations involving substance use and other self-destructive behaviors.
I have over 20 years of experience as an adolescent therapist, addiction clinician, prevention specialist, drug and alcohol educator, school counselor, and parent coach, helping diverse youth from middle school through young adulthood thrive within an increasingly addictive and complex world.
Our work together involves a combination of the following, in the order we choose, depending on your family’s needs:
Addiction-Proofing Your Kids
In this foundational process, we view your child and their world through the lens of my signature 6-part Addiction-Proofing Framework, identifying which areas need to be focused on most to prevent or intervene in areas of concern.
Strengths and Vulnerabilities
Identify Your Child’s Current Risk & Protective Factors
We dig deeper into areas of need, using research about what places kids at higher risk for substance use and other addictions versus what’s proven to prevent self-destructive behaviors. Examples could include exposure to substances, peer and media pressures, school connectedness/success or mental/emotional issues. Assessing your child’s personal risk and protective factors will also help us identify what strengths can be built upon.
The Action Plan
Assessing Your Child’s Addictive Behavior
Using diagnostic criteria and my Continuum of Use model, you will assess the extent of your child’s addictive behavior, as well as examine which of the 6 Essential Adolescent Needs use is currently fulfilling for them. Understanding what level of intervention your child needs will inform our next steps. This will also give you a working understanding of addiction and self-assessment tools to determine if greater intervention is ever needed.
The Six Pillars of Your Families Road Map to Thriving
1. Research-Based Drug Education
All are equipped with accurate information on risks and harm-reduction strategies to prevent hurting themselves and others with their choices.
2. “Teen Whisperer” Skills: Communication that fosters ongoing 2-way dialogue
Build a stronger connection with your adolescent based in mutual trust and respect.
3. Mastering the Artful Response: Responding effectively to substance use & other self-destructive behavior
Effectively approach your child’s risky or self-destructive behavior from a place of curiosity, compassion, care and commitment, including designing relevant consequences.
4. Setting Guidelines: Developing family expectations, agreements & Consequences
Strengthen the scaffolding of support and protection around your kids, helping them build and demonstrate skills for navigating risky situations while earning trust and freedoms.
5. Aligned Values & Goals
Clarity on what your teen wants most for themselves helps them develop an inner compass that guides healthy decision-making.
6. Referrals & Resources
Guidance with accessing supports for addressing longer-term needs.
Coaching Programs & Investment Options
Consider: What is the potential cost of NOT getting support for your child and family right now?